In the blink of an eye, you and I were required to pretend that men who were obviously women, and who everyone knew were women, were in fact men.

Wild absurdities suddenly became unquestionable orthodoxy.

People were now stumped by the question "What is a woman?" A Supreme Court justice, in her confirmation hearing, said she couldn't answer because "I'm not a biologist."

The media rushed to her defense, proclaiming that "gender scholars" (whose opinions are worth less than zero) agreed with her.

In Your Facebook Friends Are Wrong About Gender, New York Times bestselling author and Columbia University Ph.D. Tom Woods cuts through the slogans and exposes what's really going on.

For instance:

  • The strong correlation between transgenderism and mental illness
  • What to tell your child who is gender confused (it's not what you think)
  • How young men are getting high-dose estrogen after just a 15-minute Zoom call
  • The destroyed careers of people who speak out
  • The truth about "gender dysphoria"
  • "Social contagion" as a driver of the growth in "trans identity"
  • The proper response to "how does this affect you personally?"
  • They say "gender-affirming" therapists don't rush young people into "transitioning." Here's the truth
  • How to find therapists whose brains haven't been colonized by trans ideology

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